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Digital Vendor Day

Meeting on the digitization of the leasing industry

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Digital Vendor Day

On June 18, a meeting of financial industry companies involved in leasing with the IT industry took place. An event that we could not miss.
The meeting aimed to support and inspire leasing companies and facilitate the establishment of contacts between the IT industry and the leasing industry. InfoSEB, jako firma od lat współpracująca z branżą finansową, zaprezentowała na spotkaniu system Leasing365, który od lat jest przez nas rozwijany i utrzymywany. Marcin Malik - Our Technical Director represented the team responsible for creating and developing the Leasing365 product. The presentation highlighted the main advantages of the system, its capabilities, and the practical application of some of the many available modules that make up the service. If you are also interested in our product, write to us. We will gladly show you our system and provide access to a demo version.
We thank the organizers of Digital Vendor Day - the Polish Leasing Association for the opportunity to participate in this valuable event.
An initiative worth supporting and we look forward to the continuation of this action, which allows for the promotion of good practices, industry development, better customer experiences, and creating opportunities for domestic companies to increase their market share. We hope that the idea of developing and digitizing business processes and the financial industry will continue to grow, and our products will become an increasingly significant part of this process. Doświadczenia wyciągnięte z tego spotkania przekujemy w wnioski, które posłużą nam do dalszego udoskonalania naszych produktów, aby jak najlepiej mogły wspierać pracę naszych kontrahentów i ich klientów.

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